Good Friends Are Hard to Find

I always thought that having lots of friends was better than having a few trustworthy friends who would stand by you in anything. But, I have learned that just isn’t true. I have learned in the past two years that my four sister friends are so valuable to my life.

Bonnie is one of those friends and what we have shared in the past seven years is more than I have shared in a lifetime with those of whom I thought were my friends. Bonnie and I have been Teacher Assistants in our public school system for years. When I transferred to AES from APS, we were a team. We worked together, we laughed together, we ate lunch together, and we made sure students got in the correct cars with their parents at the end of the day. It always seemed our adult children were going through the same thing at the same time and we prayed, talked and listened to each other’s joys and frustrations.  Then, it seemed like our daughters were getting married at the same time so we shared wedding props and items to save money. And then, two years ago, we both found out her mother and my dad had cancer and each of their health was declining. The  first anniversary of her mother’s death will come on Saturday. My dad has been gone from me for three months today.

Bonnie and I love adventures. We make it a point to power walk in warm weather, either in town strolling our grandbabies, or in the cow pasture on her family farm. We have had some great discussions and prayer meetings in that cow pasture dodging all the cows and their poop. Today, we met for a nostalgic visit to a primitive, and shabby chic place that held lots of old items that brought back memories from our parents’ homes. We ended up the day having lunch at a new burger place and toasted the New Year with a Lemon Drop cocktail, which was sour but refreshing.

I love my friends. I am gaining a new appreciation for the gal friends I have these days. I am learning to relax more around them, trust them, and understand that they are not trying to pull something over on me. Friends are great to have…

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